
"The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader."

1. As you read through some of the"Blog Comments": Discovering Truth & Mosaic of Pain, here are some example's: "With all do respect this sounds like a lot of whining to me." or "You knew exactly what fire you were going to ignite. The same fire that is fueling you; hurt, anger, and bitterness." or "How about, 'When Someone is so blinded by their bitterness that they allow themselves to be deceived by the evil one so that even when they are genuinely hurt, its hard to tell what's truth and what's bruised ego' ", etc, etc...

2.Erwin Quote: "People know I am willing to sacrifice and do whatever is necessary to be a significant voice and influence in Los Angeles and allow this to permeate across the world." Infuze Magazine

3.Raising questions about Mosaic's leadership tactics: "...In addition, this group is so desperate to suppress the truth, that they actually called the police (02/17/07 -p.m.) on my son, David, claiming that he was planning to hurt them..." A Truth Unveiled

4.Erwin Quote: "Some people are upset with me because it sounds like I’m anti-Christian. I think they might be right.” The Barbarian Way

5.Erwin's for-profit organizations: "Define Your Commitment Level: ...Explorer ...Connecting at Level 1 is FREE ...Adventurer...Sign up and invest $200 annually...Pioneer...Sign up and invest $200 annually...Commit to investing 5% of their church's annual budget..." or "the pricing for many of our resources have been reduced...", etc, etc... Mosaic Alliance, Awaken, Origins Project, etc...

6.Emphasis on numbers of people that attend: "McManus was a key player in Mosaic’s development and attention-grabbing growth. He started an alternative service to the now-closed church on Brady, six years ago. Since then, it has grown from fewer than 100 members to nearly 2,000." Graphic

7.Erwin Quote: "...I build my life not on the Word of God, but the voice of God..." Relevant Magazine

8.Erwin's leadership tactics: "I think that the main thing I see/saw in Erwin R. McManus is deception. I think he uses deception in various ways to get things done..." Interview With Frank Loaiza